Nationwide On-Site Scanning
- Experienced teams working 24/7
- All staff have clean background checks
- Many on-site staff are ex-military
We are dedicated to helping County Recorders digitize Land Records without the fear of loss, quality or going over budget. Our innovative processes and attentive, on-site service result in a seamless transition of irreplaceable historical records to instantly accessible digital documents for your constituents.
Father and son Myron and Terry Robinson form Micro Tec, Inc., specializing in microfilming and storage services for banks and hospitals throughout the Midwest.
Micro Tec merges with 25 other service companies throughout the U.S. to form ImageMax, a national, publicly traded document and microfilm scanning company. ImageMax performs paper scanning, microfilm scanning and microfilming for the healthcare, finance, insurance and government markets. Between 1996 and 2005, ImageMax scans microfilm for 100+ County Recorders.
Scott Robinson (son of Micro Tec, Inc. founder Terry Robinson) forms US Imaging to exclusively serve the needs of County Recorders.
As the premier document scanning company dedicated exclusively to County Land Records, we have successfully served over 1,200 County Recorders and have scanned and archived more County records than any other vendor in America.
Recorder (1984 - 2016, Retired)
McHenry County
US Imaging is an innovative, reliable vendor offering superior quality services in their field. My staff and I found Scott Robinson to be an extremely knowledgeable, hard-working, honest individual; his experience in the document and image management field is exceptional. Mr. Robinson and US Imaging recently completed a project for our office, rescanning four years of original microfilm to clean up and enhance document image quality. The finished product significantly improved our images and exceeded all of our expectations.