

We have the ability to make illegible images legible.


We have developed advanced inspection and enhancement software to deliver superior image quality and index accuracy to ensure your final images work seamlessly with your existing Document Management System.


Documents created with black toner on white paper from the mid 1980s thru today contain 2-10% poor quality images. Documents created by typewriters and dot matrix printers from 1950s through mid-1980s contain 10% to 25% poor quality images.  Photostat documents (negative black pages with white writing) from 1930s through 1960s contain 15% to 50% poor quality images.  Handwritten documents from 1600s through 1930s contain 5% to 25% poor quality images.

Our proven 3-stage process addresses every aspect of resolution, alignment, contrast and more to ensure your scanned images accurately reflect your physical documents. Using sophisticated digital tools, we have been able to revitalize light type and hand writing from aging land records to retrieve information that would have been previously illegible. We will scan and enhance sample pages at no charge, enabling you to compare our image quality to others and see the results for yourself.


Our expert-developed technology and proven processes enable you to deliver the highest quality images possible.


100% of TIFF images are run through an automatic deskew program to make pages easier to read and reduce the digital file size for cost-effective storage and faster downloading. Deskewing also prepares the images for auto-cropping. We provide auto-deskew as a standard part of our process at no additional charge.


100% of your TIFF images are run through an automatic crop program to remove black borders that surround all four sides of page, as is common in microfilm images. Removing the black border makes the pages larger, easier to read and reduces the digital file size for more efficient storage and faster retrieval. Auto-crop is a standard part of process and performed at no additional charge.


Batches of images are run through a sophisticated software program that automatically adjusts the contrast of light and dark images to make hand-written or faded text more legible. We can also auto-enhance a specific range of images, such as an entire document, splice, jacket, book or roll.

Manual Crop

Many microfilm images are surrounded by a white camera copy board that automatic cropping cannot remove. Manual cropping eliminates all white and black borders, so the remaining image is the exact size it was when originally recorded. Manual cropping makes images larger, easier to read and reduces file size for more cost-effective storage and faster access.

Manual Enhance

Light data in a poor-quality TIFF image turns white and disappears, while dark data turns black and obscures other data. Hand-written, type-written or dot-matrix printed pages are especially at risk of quality loss when digitized. We can enhance any specific area on a page to create the most legible TIFF images possible. Isolating the problem area allows us to apply specific adjustments that improve the quality of digital information in a specific section of your record without compromising the legibility of the entire document.


Some pages contain more than one document on a single page. Most imaging systems require a single image or set of images for each document. When multiple documents are present on a page, we scan the page once, create duplicate images for the additional documents on each page and then mask (electronically white out) the documents that do not belong with the document being indexed. Masking maintains the original page numbers and page margins, only displaying the single documents requested by the viewer.


Personal information such as social security numbers, driver license numbers and credit card numbers are all at risk of identity theft, the fastest growing white-collar crime in America. We can accurately identify, isolate and redact (automatically or semi-automatically with human verification) specific data types to protect private information. By testing the oldest and most recent images and developing rule sets for your specific document types, we can create a redaction solution that meets your budget and privacy requirements.


Our careful handling of your historical records and media-specific scanning equipment enables us to scan books, microfilm, drawings and paper without damaging the media or subjecting it to harm.